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Before Birth


  • Free interview to know each other, answer questions and find out if we are a good match to work together.

  • Two prenatal visits which will take place at your home,  to get acquainted and discuss your wishes and fears about childbirth, to assist you in acquiring the knowledge necessary to make informed decisions about your care. We may practice techniques and positions   that can be useful in childbirth.

  • Birth plan assistance, exploring the different options you have depending on the approach you want to give to your birth.

  • Acces to my extensive lending library.

  • Unlimited phone calls and e-mail support, to answer any questions that may arise out of our meetings.

  • Resourses and handouts based on your needs.

  • On-call, two weeks before and two after your estimated due date.

  • On-call back-up arrangements with another doula to ensure my services if I am unable to attend the birth.


During Birth


  • I will meet you at your home and/or your chosen birth place  when you feel that labor has begun.

  • Continuous labor support  up to two hours after the birth of your baby.

  • Assistance with different natural birth management techniques, to help cope with labor contractions, such as breathing, relaxation, touch/massage, hot/cold packs, positioning for easier birthing, acupressure, and more.

  • Creation of a relaxing and calming birth environment where you can feel safe and focus on your birth.

  • Partner support and guidance, depending on his or her own comfort level of participation. 

  • Enhancing communication and understanding between you and the  the health care provider you have chosen.

  • Photography and video with your camera, if time permits.

After Birth


  • Continuous labor support up to two hours after the birth of your baby.

  • Early breastfeeding support.

  • One postpartum visits, to review your birth experience, and help with questions that arise about the care of your newborn and breastfeeding.

  • Resources and handouts based on your needs.

  • Phone and email support to answer any questions or concerns until first month of baby.

Certified Birth Doula Services



  The price for my Birth              Doula Services is 
 Please contact me for a quote for your specific due date and circumstances.

Others Services

Lending Library


I am constantly reading new books on pregnancy and childbirth education, those which I will add to my personal library. GivIng these books to my clients to borrow is one of the options in my services. 


This is a link to a list of my books.



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